Post by Dr B on May 10, 2017 16:43:23 GMT -5
This is what Extreme Measures Federation is doing.This is from their Shockwave PPV.
Cena: Be careful what you wish for Jackie.... because you've pissed me off... and I'm going to give it to you. Amy might not like it... but I have to see this... at the next Pay Per View... you're going to face Amy again... and believe me when I tell you this... whatever the situation is with Amy, whereever her head is at right now... whether she's "gone soft" or not... I'll have her ready for that fight, and I'll take great pleasure in watching you be scraped off the mat after it.
(Cena drops his microphone, and leaves, while Jackie looks angry and not happy about this announcement as we go to commercial.)
(�Voices� blasts on the PA system as Randy Orton walks SLOWLY down to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)
JR-Orton at the Pay Per View alliance with Team Bourne didn�t quite work out.
King-So I guess this is the chance for him to show he wasn�t the link weak.
Kris Gaffney- A lot of that recently.
(�Hero� blasts on the PA system as Kevin Bourne walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)
JR-Bourne is the leader of that team, so this makes a lot of sense for Orton to go after him.
King-Well, if there is anyone Orton needs to prove his worth to, it�s this man.
Kris Gaffney-Although with the defunction in that team, I�m not surprised they blew up.
[Kevin Bourne and Randy Orton pace around the ring. Kevin Bourne motions for Orton to act. Kevin Bourne ducks a fist by Randy Orton. Randy Orton turns around, and Kevin Bourne hits Randy Orton with a few knife edge chops to the chest of Randy Orton. Randy Orton stumbles backwards. Kevin Bourne runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and Kevin Bourne hits a running double axe handle that knocks down Randy Orton. Randy Orton gets up to his feet, and Kevin Bourne hits a standing drop kick that knocks down Randy Orton down to the mat again. Kevin Bourne backs away from Randy Orton, and Randy Orton gets up to his feet, and once he does get up to his feet. Kevin bourne hits a kick to the gut that doubles him over, and then he puts on a side head lock, and he takes him down with a side headlock take down. Kevin Bourne puts on the pressure, and he gets up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. Randy Orton looks for a way out of the hold, and Randy Orton is able to get to the side of Kevin Bourne, and he goes for a belly to back suplex, but Kevin Bourne rolls out of the back, and Randy Orton turns around, and Randy Orton catches a kick by Kevin Bourne. Kevin Bourne hops on one foot, and he is able to counter this with an ezuguri that connects to the side of the head. Randy Orton stumbles around. Kevin Bourne waits as Randy Orton stumbles towards him. Kevin Bourne hits a kick to the gut, and he puts him in a vertical suplex position, and hooks the leg, and lifts him up, and hits a fisherman�s buster!]
JR-What a move by Kevin Bourne.
Kris Gaffney-Guess Bourne doesn�t want Orton to forget he didn�t hold up his end.
King-Well, guess his version of repenting.
[Kevin Bourne goes into the cover, and the ref counts the 1������.2�����KICK OUT by Randy Orton. Kevin Bourne gets up to his feet, and he talks down to the ref for his count. Randy Orton is still down, and Kevin Bourne picks up Randy Orton, but Randy Orton he throws his hands off of him, and Randy Orton hits a European uppercut that sends him flying backwards, and Kevin bourne is a little stunned, but he is able to recover fairly quickly, and he throws a fist to the face, and Randy Orton is able to set up Kevin Bourne, and he hits a belly to back suplex that connects on Kevin Bourne. Randy Orton takes a few moments to rest up as Kevin Bourne gets up to his feet, and he see�s that there is a chance to get this match back into his control. He charges, and he goes for a clothesline, but it�s ducked under by Randy Orton. Randy Orton continues to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes with a clothesline, Kevin Bourne gets up to his feet, and Randy Orton throws a fist to the face, and it lands. Kevin Bourne rakes his eyes. Bourne runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and he goes for a running clothesline, but it�s ducked under by Randy Orton, and Randy Orton hooks Kevin Bourne, and drops him for a 3.0 back breaker.]
JR-Randy Orton might be closing in on a victory here.
King-Wonder what the voices are saying?
Kris Gaffney-It�s just a song damn it!
[Randy Orton sets up for the RKO as he waits as Kevin Bourne stumbles up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. Randy Orton goes for the RKO, but Prez Mike jumped on the apron. This makes Orton hesitate for one moment. Kevin Bourne pushes Orton to the ropes, he comes off, and Bourne hits the Check mate on Orton! Kevin Bourne goes into the cover on Randy Orton, the ref counts the 1�����.2����3!]
JR-Prez Mike caused the distraction, and Bourne was able to capitalize on it.
King-Orton didn�t go down with a fight though.
(The EMF tron lights up with the image of Jackie Gayda walking down the hall way looking extremely annoyed. Suddenly she stops as she hears the sound of a babies cry, she looks over as she see's a woman bent over trying to calm the baby Jackie cracks a smile, and goes over to the carriage, and the woman, who we assume is the mother.)
Jackie: It's about time we had an EMF baby that wasn't one of Amy's litter....
(The woman gets up, and turns around. It's a familar, but surprising face, Stephanie McMahon-Walker. Jackie looks surprised that she can't really say anything, Stephanie laughs, and crosses her arms.)
.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Is it really that shocking?
Jackie: Oh my God... Stephanie? I had no idea you were pregnant... you should have told me! I thought you were just out because of Natasha...
.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Yeah, had nothing to do with Natasha. You know me, I'm not like others who likes to go around here with her baby bump sticking out everywhere...I don't know, I had been thinking about it for a long time. Just finally made the leap before I ran out of time. Guess I had one more in me.
Jackie: Well that's great though. So what is the little one's name?
.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Kimberly Jill Walker, she was born about a month ago on July 4th. I could have probably come back at any point, I just was taking my time. I brought her here to just say hello to everyone...I should be back here soon. although I'm trying to avoid Cena. Because the shock that my husband could have one more baby might be too much for him to bare.
Jackie: Oh he wont care.. if there's one thing that gets Cena more excited than pretending Amy is anything special, it'll be a baby. But I'm glad you're OK... and it all went well. She's so cute!
.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-You sure? His love of making fun of my husband seems to be high up on the list too.....as well as my daughter. Somehow I escaped that. I don't know, she usually is so quiet, but then this EMF news report came on, and they talked about Nick Jones getting fired by Prez Mike. And that got her crying forever...I'm not sure I ever heard a baby cry that much. Even Catherine or Steve were not that bad when they were this young.
Jackie: I didn't even know we employed him in the first place... but that's a bit weird. But oh well. She seems fine now. I didn't even know you wanted to have another one... but I can't blame you.
.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.-Yeah, my kids are growing up too fast. And I am still reasonably in age to do so, so might as well now while I still have the chance. Well, hope your doing well, if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here.
Jackie: OK, well it's good to have you back anyway Stephanie, and it's good to meet little Kimberly.
(Kimberly makes random happy baby sounds. Stephanie smiles, and says.)
.::Stephanie McMahon-Walker::.- I think she likes you, well better go feed her. I'll talk to you another time.
Jackie: Ok... I'll see you around.
(Stephanie leaves as we fade back into the ring.)
(�Cinema� blasts on the PA system as Maria Milonas walks to the ring, and she steps inside of the ring.)
JR-Last week Maria had an impressive win over Madison Rayne.
King-Indeed, but now she faces another member of the Beautiful People.
Kris Gaffney-One that still yells, but is less annoying.
(�Holla� blasts on the PA system as Kelly Kelly walks to the irng, and she steps inside of the ring.)
JR-Kelly is a veteran in the EMF, you got to wonder if she might be looking past Maria.
King-Which you can�t do�unless you were Gaffney.
Kris Gaffney-��..
[Maria Milonas and Kelly Kelly are in their respective sides of the ring, and then they lock up. Maria Milonas is able put Kelly Kelly into a head lock, and she puts the pressure on her on the mat. Kelly Kelly tries to get up to her feet, and she looks for a way out of the hold. Maria Milonas holds on to the pressure. Kelly Kelly tries to back up Maria Milonas to the ropes, and she whips her off of the ropes, she bounces off of the ropes, and she comes off of the ropes, and she hits a hard shoulder block that knocks down Kelly Kelly. Kelly Kelly gets up to her feet, and Maria Milonas charges at Kelly Kelly, and she hits an arm drag that takes her down. Maria Milonas gets up to her feet. Kelly Kelly charges at Maria Milonas, she hits a drop toe hold that sends her flying into the into the second rope throat first. Kelly Kelly falls down on the mat in pain, and she rolls around in pain. Maria Milonas waits for Kelly Kelly to get up to her feet, and once she gets up to her feet. Maria Milonas is waiting for her, and Milonas hits a kick to the gut that doubles her over, and then she puts her into a vertical suplex. She hits a snap suplex. Maria Milonas hits a few stomps on the downed Kelly Kelly, and then backs away letting Maria to get up to her feet. Kelly Kelly goes into the corner, and Maria Milonas closes the gap between them, and she hits a few forearm shots to the face, and she tries to whip Kelly Kelly to the ropes, but it�s reversed by Kelly Kelly Maria Milonas bounces off fo the ropes, and Kelly Kelly goes for a spinning kick, but Maria Milonas is able to duck under, and Kelly Kelly turns around, and Maria Milonas sets up Kelly Kelly, and she hits a monkey flip that sends her flying into the air, and she crashes down on the mat. Maria Milonas waits as Kelly Kelly stumbles up to her feet, and once she gets up to her feet. Maria measures her up as she turns around, and she does, and she side steps Kelly Kelly, and she falls on the apron. She gets up to her feet fairly quickly as she�s only a little effected by throwing her on the apron. Kelly realizes that she didn�t get where she wanted, and then she charges at Maria Milonas, and she counters with a shoulder block that makes Kelly Kelly stumble backwards. Kelly Kelly is in pain, and Maria Milonas climbs up to the top rope, and she measures up on Kelly Kelly. Once she is in range, Maria Milonas leaps off of the top rope, and she hits a flying cross body block, and she hooks Kelly Kelly for a pinning combination as Kelly Kelly tries to struggle out of the pin. The ref counts the 1������.2������..KICK OUT by Kelly Kelly. Maria looks like she is thinking what is coming next.]
JR-Looks like Maria is considering where to go with this match next.
King-Hope it�s to finish this match.
Kris Gaffney-And for clarification�that�s because he wants to see her finisher..not that it�s a boring match.
[Kelly Kelly gets up to her feet, and Maria Milonas mocks Kelly Kelly saying something that didn�t make her too happy, and this angers Kelly, she goes for a punch. Maria Milonas ducks it, and hooks Kelly Kelly for the Fatal Attraction, and before she drops her. Kelly Kelly is able to spin around in Maria�s Milonas grasp. Kelly Kelly hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut in the corner, and she grabs Milonas hair, and she flips her out of the corner with a hair throw. This sends Maria Milonas flying, and crashing on the mat, and Kelly Kelly takes a few moments to rest up, and she pulls herself up to the second rope. As Maria Milonas gets up to her feet, she gets knocked back down with a double axe handle that takes down Maria Milonas. Kelly Kelly falls to one knee, and she rests up, and once she gets up to her feet. Kelly Kelly hits a few fists to the face, and this backs Maria Milonas into the ropes, and she tries to whip Maria Milonas to the ropes, but she reverses the whip. This sends Kelly Kelly to the ropes, and she bounces off of the ropes. Maria Milonas goes for a side kick, but it�s ducked under by Kelly Kelly, and Kelly continues to the other side of the ring. She bounces off of the ropes, and as she comes off of those ropes, she starts doing a leg scissors as she yells, and she connects with the move. Kelly Kelly gets up to her feet, and once she does get up to her feet. Milonas dazed also stumbles up to her feet, Kelly Kelly picks up Maria Milonas, and she hits a body slam on Maria Milonas, she runs to the ropes, and she comes down across the face with a knee drop. Kelly Kelly sits up in a sitting position holding her face. Kelly Kelly runs to the ropes, and she comes off of the ropes, and she hits a knee to the face.]
JR-Maria�s down, and hurting.
King-Kelly has her right where she wants her.
[Kelly Kelly calls for the K2 as she waits for Maria to get up to her feet, and once she does, she hooks Maria, and goes for the K2. But Maria slides out of the back, hooks, and drops Kelly Kelly with the Fatal Attraction instead. Maria goes into the cover on Kelly Kelly, and the ref counts the 1����..2���.3!]
JR-What a great counter by Maria Milonas, and she was able to defeat Kelly Kelly.
Kris Gaffney-Kelly didn�t see that one coming.
("Generic Theme" blasts out as Miss Jackie come out to the ring for the 2nd time tonight. She gets into the ring and takes a microphone.)
Jackie: I know you all probably thought you'd seen the last of me for one night at least.... but no such luck. You see since my confrontation with John Cena, I've been thinking. And just because I'm going one on one with Amy Dumas at the Pay Per View... that doesn't mean I can't still capture the Women's Championship. I mean... what would be sweeter than walking into that Pay Per View with the gold around my waist, and dangling it in front of Amy, knowing she'll never be able to reach up and take it. That said... I'm not expecting Christy Hemme to come out here and face me. I know she doesn't have the guts. I just want it put on the record that I made the challenge... and that your great champion didn't show up.....
("Walk, Idiot, Walk" plays and Christy Hemme comes out holding her Women's championship. She comes right down the ramp and slides into the ring, taking a microphone and starting Jackie down.)
Hemme: You know what Jackie... it makes me sad to see what you have become. So bitter, so jealous, so petty. Let me remind you of something. Not long ago I beat Mickie James, a woman who you have lost to more than once in your career. A woman who is known to have your number when it comes to matches. That match took a lot out of me, I could barely stand after it. And what happened? You came out, and I had to face you too. I had to face you straight after Mickie if I wanted to walk out with the title. And I beat you. Fair and square. The great Miss Jackie lost to a woman who could barely stand. And yet because you beat Amy, you know somehow feel like you can compare to me. You feel like you deserve to hold this belt, over the woman who beat you at her low point. Jackie... there was a time when you beat me week in, week out. Every single Shockwave for what felt like years... you got the better of me. But times have changed Jackie. You can question if the real Amy showed up at Survival of the Fittest.... but the real Miss Jackie left the building years ago. And now... even on your best day.... you're not in my league. I usually don't disrespect my opponents... but in your case... I'll make an exception.
Jackie: Are you done? You think you're so great Christy... but I still see the woman who got into the business by sitting in a pie... and who lost to me every week despite having Cena tipping the scales. Not much has changed in that respect. You're still hiding behind Cena now. You're even shacked up with him. What would Amy think? You talk a big game Christy.... but why don't you put your money where your mouth is. Face me for the championship right here on Shockwave next week... I'll show you that the real Miss Jackie lives on, and will dominate the EMF once again.
Hemme: Well Jackie... I'm a fighting champion... you want a title shot.... you got it. Me and you.... one on one next week... and I'll prove once and for all that you haven't got what it takes anymore.
(Before they can continue "Light It Up" plays over the PA system, and the Divas General Manager AJ Lee skips onto the ramp with a microphone.)
AJ Lee: You know what girls... I'm going to let that little match go ahead next week. But there's something I want to inform you of. See I have a problem. On the one hand... I want to beat the hell out of Maria for screwing up my chance to become champion at the Pay Per View. We all know she botched that match... and I would be champion if not for her! On the other hand... I really think I deserve another chance to become champion... but then there's other things to consider. Like the fact I want revenge on Tiffany for randomly showing up to cost me the belt. I was thinking maybe a Fatal 4 Way at Last Stand... with the champion taking on myself, Tiffany and Maria. But then I thought... no. Because let's face it, even if I won... people wouldn't talk about it for years to come. They'd still be talking about Hell in a Cell, and how Christy survived it. So I thought how can I make sure my title win tops that.... and then it hit me. So ladies... have your title match... but be careful... because I'm here to tell you all now that the winner of that match will defend the championship at Last Stand..... IN THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
(Christy and Jackie both look stunned as AJ skips to the back. A graphic for the match appears on the titantron, showing AJ Lee, Maria, Tiffany and then 3 silhouettes. Suddenly AJ Lee reappears.)
AJ Lee: Oh... and one more thing... whoever wins between the 2 of you will of course be in the match.... but as for the loser... will they get another shot? No! No! No!
(Christy and Jackie look even more annoyed as they both leave the ring and we go to commercial.)
(�Sandpaper� blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)
JR-Tonight Troy has the chance to test out at least one of the new talents we have around the EMF.
King-This man is the IC champion, so Hughes better be ready.
Kris Gaffney-Even though the title isn�t on the line of course.
(�I will be heard� blasts on the PA system as Pete Hughes walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)
JR-This man is apart of a stable known as the United State of Anarchy.
King-But until they start winning gold, we�ll never know if this stable will be successful.
Kris Gaffney-There are so many good, and bad in EMF history�
(�Game On� blasts on the PA system as Tony Ikeda walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)
JR-Tony Ikeda is a Hall of Famer, but has fallen on tough times.
King-Well, just a matter of finding an opening.
Kris Gaffney-And he�s Tony Ikeda�sooner or later he will, maybe it�ll be this match.
[Troy Gafgen, Tony Ikeda, and Pete Hughes are on their respective sides. Pete Hughes and Tony Ikeda look at each other as Troy Gafgen is the biggest guy in the ring, so they decide to team up for a moment. Then Troy Gafgen doesn�t see it coming, and Pete Hughes, and Tony Ikeda hits him with hard fists to the face, and this backs up Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen gets double whipped to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. And Troy Gafgen comes off with a double clothesline, but it�d ducked, and Tony Ikeda, and Pete Hughes measure up, and hit a double drop kick that makes Troy Gafgen stumble backwards to the ropes, they get up, and they hit a double clothesline that sends Troy Gafgen over the top rope, and he crashes down on the mat, and Tony Ikeda is staring down at Troy Gafgen, and Pete Hughes tries to come from behind Tony Ikeda for a waist lock. Tony Ikeda spins it around for another waist lock, and Pete Hughes is able hits a few elbows to the side of the head, and Tony Ikeda stumbles backwards, and Pete Hughes hits a few fists to the face of Tony Ikeda, then he tries to whip Tony to the ropes. But Tony Ikeda reverses the whip to the ropes, and he bounces off of the ropes. Pete Hughes comes off of the ropes with a hard forearm. Tony Ikeda gets up angry, and he charges at Pete Hughes, Hughes counters with a hip toss that sends him down on the mat. Pete Hughes waits as Tony Ikeda gets up to his feet. Tony is stunned, and he hits a drop kick that backs him up a little bit, and Pete Hughes waits as Tony stumbles back as he hits the ropes. Pete Hughes goes for a small package, and the ref counts the 1�����2��.KICK OUT by Tony Ikeda. Tony gets up to his feet, but he�s met with a hard super kick to the face. Pete Hughes turns around, and he see�s Troy Gafgen on the apron, Pete Hughes charges at Troy Gafgen. Gafgen counters by hitting a back body drop from between the ropes, Pete Hughes crashes down on the mat. Troy Gafgen gets into the ring, and Tony Ikeda is up to his feet. He throws a wild fist to the face, but it�s blocked by Troy Gafgen. Troy Gafgen hits a big head butt that takes down on the mat, and Troy Gafgen waits as Tony Ikeda gets up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. Troy Gafgen hits a few fists to the face that makes Tony Ikeda stumble backwards, and he whips him to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and as he comes off of the ropes Troy Gafgen goes for a big boot. But Tony Ikeda is able to duck under. He continues to the other side of the ring, and he comes off of the ropes. Troy Gafgen hits a front spike spine buster that plants Tony Ikeda into the mat.]
JR-Tony was caught there.
King-And Hughes might not be able to get to him in time.
[Troy Gafgen goes into the cover, and the ref counts the 1�����..2����..KICK OUT by Tony Ikeda. Troy Gafgen is on his knee�s, and then he asks for a faster count, he see�s Pete Hughes getting up on the apron, and he hits a hard fist that knocks down Pete Hughes from the mat, and Troy Gafgen goes back to where Tony Ikeda is trying to get up to his feet. Once he does get up to his feet. Tony Ikeda hits a low blow that makes Troy in understandable extreme pain. Troy Gafgen stays where he is, and Tony Ikeda runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and he drives Troy Gafgen into the mat. Tony Ikeda takes a few moments to rest up. Once he does get the chance to get up to his feet, he�s near the corner. Troy Gafgen is up, and charging at Tony. Tony Ikeda is able to counter with a drop kick that connects, and he falls into the top turnbuckle face first. Tony Ikeda waits for Troy Gafgen to turn around, and Tony Ikeda hits a few fists to the face, and then he tries to whip him to the ropes, but it�s reversed by Troy Gafgen. Tony Ikeda crashes into the other side turnbuckles. Troy Gafgen charges at Tony Ikeda, Tony Ikeda gets hit boot up. Troy Gafgen stumbles around, Tony Ikeda pulls himself up to the second rope, and he waits as Troy Gafgen comes to him. Tony Ikeda hooks Troy Gafgen, and drives him into the mat with a tornado DDT. Tony Ikeda goes into the cover on Troy Gafgen, he gets a 1�����..2�����.KICK OUT by Troy Gafgen.]
JR- Almost three.
King-That would be a big win for Tony.
Kris Gaffney-Tony hasn�t had much luck recently.
[Troy Gafgen waits as Tony Ikeda gets up to his feet, and once he gets up to his feet. Troy Gafgen charges at Tony Ikeda, but Tony Ikeda is able to counter this with a eye poke. Troy Gafgen is blinded. Tony Ikeda charges at Troy Gafgen, but Troy out of instinct hits the Crack of Dawn. This makes Tony out on his feet. Pete Hughes comes into the ring, and with Troy still somewhat blinded, he hits a drop kick to Tony, and this makes Troy Gafgen fall out of the ring. Pete Hughes school boy�s Tony Ikeda for the 1�����.2���..3!]
JR-Pete Hughes took advantage of the situation.
King-Say what you want, but that�s what you have to deal with in a triple threat.
(Pete Hughes celebrates, but Troy Gafgen comes into the ring, and he hits a clubbing blow that knocks down Pete Hughes. Hughes rolls out of the ring, and Troy and him stare down each other as Hughes backs away.)
(�Superstar� blasts on the PA system as Tim Findlay walks to the ring along with Bret Hart, and he steps inside of the ring.)
JR-This man has been quite aggressive since appear in the EMF.
King-Well, he�s in the main event now, let�s see how he reacts.
Kris Gaffney-Wasabi probably would like his entrance music if he was here.
(�Veil of Fire� blasts on the PA system as Kane walks to the ring, and he steps inside of the ring.)
JR-Kane is apart of Mike New�s stable, so these two forces will clash this week.
King-Kane is coming off a big win at Survival of the Fittest, you got to wonder how Findlay will be able to fight off this momentum.
Kris Gaffney-Yeah, because as we know�momentum is unstoppable in professional wrestling.
[Kane and Tim Findlay pace around the ring. Kane throws a fist to the face, and Tim Findlay is able to duck under. Kane turns around, and Tim Findlay hits a few hard fists to the face that makes Kane stumble backwards, and with Kane stunned enough. Kane runs tot eh ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and Kane hits a big boot that knocks down Tim Findlay. Findlay retreats to the outside, and he thinks of different strategy, but Kane being Kane doesn�t want to give him a chance to be breath. Kane slides out of the ring, and then he comes from behind on Tim Findlay, and he grabs him by hand, and he hits a short arm clothesline that sends Tim Findlay go down to the mat. Kane grabs Tim Findlay by the hair, and smashes his head into the steel steps. Tim Findlay is in pain, and Kane grabs Tim Findlay, and he throws him into the ring. Tim Findlay rolls into the corner as Kane gets up to his feet, and Kane closes the gap between him, and Tim Findlay, and Tim Findlay throws a wild fist to the face, but it�s blocked by Kane, and Kane answers with a upper cut. Kane hits a few stomps into the gut on Tim Findlay, and then he puts his boot on the throat of Tim Findlay, and then the ref counts to 4, and Kane backs out of the corner, and he doesn�t compain to the ref, Kane charges at the corner trying to get at Tim Findlay, and Findlay is able to counter with a boot to the face that makes him stumble backwards, and Findlay charges at Kane. But Kane is able to counter with a power slam, Tim Findlay is in pain. Kane doesn�t go for the cover, instead he picks up Tim Findlay, and he hits a few fists to the face. Tim Findlay stumbles backwards, and Tim Findlay tries to whip him to the ropes, but Kane is able to reverse the whip, and he runs to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes. Kane lowers his head, and he hits a running DDT that plants Tim Findlay into the mat face first. Kane is able to push Tim Findlay on to his back, and he then hooks the leg. The ref goes down, and makes the count. He gets a 1����2���.KICK OUT by Tim Findlay. Kane gets up to his feet, and he gets in the face of the ref. Tim Findlay dazed gets up, and Kane hits a quick clothesline, and then looks like he�s thinking of what he�s going to do next.]
JR-Kane must have planned for that to work out better than it did.
King-Well, sure Kane has more than that in his bag of tricks.
Kris Gaffney-Guess we�ll see.
[Kane gets up to his feet, and he goes to the outside of the ring, and he gets up to the top rope, but Tim Findlay has recovered, and he runs up the turnbuckle that Kane is at, and he hits a arm drag off of the top rope that sends Kane flying off of the top rope, and he crashes on the mat. Tim Findlay takes a few moments to rest up, and he tries to get up to his feet as Kane sits up, and he looks at Tim Findlay by the ropes, and Tim Findlay realizes he needs to make a move now, and he gets up to his feet as Kane does, and Kane charges at Tim Findlay, and Finaly is able to counter with a drop toe hold that sends him flying into the second rope, and he falls on his neck. He stumbles up to his feet, and he gets up to his feet stunned. Tim Findlay measures up, and he hits a kick into the gut on Kane, and this doubles over Kane. Tim Findlay runs to the ropes, and he hits a swinging neck breaker that takes down Kane. Tim Findlay gets a chance to rest up as he stays on his knee. Kane sits up, and Tim Findlay knows that he needs to make his move too. Tim Findlay is able to be the first one to strike, and he hits a few fists to the face that makes him back up to the ropes, and Tim Findlay tries to whip Kane to the ropes, but it�s reversed. Tim Findlay goes to the ropes, and Kane goes for a big boot to the face. But it�s ducked under by Tim Findlay. Kane turns around, and Findlay hits a standing drop kick this makes Kane stumble backwards, and Findlay runs to the ropes, and he comes off of the ropes, and he hits a body check that knocks down Kane. Kane gets up in the corner. Findlay hits a clothesline in the corner. Tim Findlay backs up, and then Kane stumbles out of the corner, and Findlay picks up Kane, and hits a back breaker. Tim Findlay goes into the cover on Kane, and the ref counts the 1���.2���.KICK OUT by Kane.]
JR-Almost three there.
King-Findlay needs to keep striking.
Kris Gaffney-Seems to be the standard thing when you get a big man down.
JOB Mysterio-Don�t forget to kick the legs!
[Tim Findlay calls for the Hat Trick as he waits for Kane to get up to his feet. Kane spins around, and he drives Tim Findlay into the corner, but he crushes the ref too. Kane stumble backwards, and he throws a fist to the face, but Findlay is able to hook Kane again for the Hat Trick. But suddenly Daniel Byan, a member of Mike New�s stable comes from the crowd, and he hits a low blow to Tim Findlay. Bryan grabs Findlay, and throws him hard into the ring post. Bryan gets out of the ring side area as Bret is advancing on him, and through the crowd. In the ring the ref, Findlay, and Kane are recovering. Findlay turns around right into the hand of Kane. He grabs him around the throat, and drives him down on the mat with a choke slam! He goes into the cover on Tim Findlay, and the ref counts the 1����.2���..3!]
JR-Tonight the USA�s tactics got sent back to them, but could this only be the start of a much larger war?
King-Who knows.
(Kane gets out of the ring as he stares down the downed Findlay as Shockwave goes off the air.)