Post by Dr B on May 17, 2009 13:21:43 GMT -5
Post by Kelly Monro on May 17, 2009 22:08:05 GMT -5
Very cool, Dr B! Looks great.
Post by Dr B on May 17, 2009 23:16:42 GMT -5
The cool thing is those are the actual people I based the characters on.
Post by Dr B on May 20, 2009 0:22:34 GMT -5
Disclaimer:These characters are FICTIONAL.They are not meant to depict the actions or personality of anyone in real life.These cards are for personal use only.Celebrities do not know of or endorse Dr B or Ultisoft Sports Simulations uewdrb Crazy Ashley's Super Deluxe Card!
Post by Dr B on May 20, 2009 19:58:18 GMT -5
This is my Dr B card front.I don't know why the card back doesn't appears at 100% size.Here's the front for now.
Post by WTIC on May 20, 2009 20:07:55 GMT -5
Awesome stuff! LOVE Ashley's hair!
Post by Mr. Neily on May 22, 2009 7:32:43 GMT -5
Great stuff Dr. B
Post by Dr B on May 22, 2009 12:39:59 GMT -5
Thanks guys more to come.WTIC post some of your stuff here too!
Dr B
Post by WTIC on May 24, 2009 10:21:11 GMT -5
Thanks guys more to come.WTIC post some of your stuff here too! Dr B Yep yep! Working on it...
Post by Dr B on May 24, 2009 12:51:59 GMT -5
Geri Reischl who played Jan Brady on The Brady Bunch Variety Hour,starred in the movies "Brotherhood of Satan" and "I Dismember Mama",TV Shows "Apple's Way",Gunsmoke and many more has APPROVED my Fake Jan COTG Card!I believe this is the 1st ever Official Celebrity APPROVED COTG Bootleg Card!At this very moment I am negotiating with Geri.I want The Fake Jan card to be posted ONLY at www.fakejan.com,that way Geri will essentially own the card and the COTG fans that want to collect the card will have to go to Geri Reischl's site to get it.Thanks go out to Geri Reischl and all the COTG Fans that made this possible.
Dr B
Post by WTIC on May 24, 2009 18:27:25 GMT -5
Hey, that's BIG news! Yay, Dr B! EXCELLENT work!
Post by Dr B on May 26, 2009 1:30:27 GMT -5
These guys are from the original UEW Roster. Disclaimer:These characters are FICTIONAL.They are not meant to depict the actions or personality of anyone in real life.These cards are for personal use only.Wrestlers do not know of or endorse Dr B or Ultisoft Sports Simulations uewdrb Highflyer Chris | From:Dallas,Texas | Level 1 Offense | Level 1 Defense | 1.headlock-1 2.hiptoss-1 3.armdrag-1 4.headscissors takedown-2 (ag) 5.spinebuster-2 (pw) 6.ensui giri-2
| 1.dazed-1 (tag) 2.HFC-2 3.hurt-2 4.HFC-1 5.HFC-1 6.dazed-1 (tag)
| Level 2 Offense | Level 2 Defense | 1.high back drop-2 2.into ropes (c) 3.frontkick-2 (ch B) 4.fistdrop from the top-3 5.flying forarm-3 6.flying shoulderblock-3
| 1.hurt-2 2.hurt-2 (tag) 3.HFC-1 4.HFC-2 5.hurt-2 6.dazed-1
| Level 3 Offense | Level 3 Defense | 1.deathjump (c) 2.out of ring 3.sunset flip from the top-3 4.missile dropkick-3 5.flying crossbody-3 6.WALKOVER DDT +3
| 1.hurt-2 2.hurt-2 3.down-3 (tag) 4.PIN 6 (3) 5.hurt-2 6.down-3 (lv)
| Ropes -- A Turnbuckle -- C Ring -- B Deathjump -- A
| Disqualification -- 6 Agility -- - 3 Power -- - 1 Cage -- 3 |
Y2 Dave | From:Canada | Level 1 Offense | Level 1 Defense | 1.roman knuckle lock-1 2.armlock-1 3.headlock takedown-1 4.standing dropkick-2 (ag) 5.brainbuster-2 (pw) 6.lariat-2
| 1.hurt-2 2.Y2D-1 3.Y2D-1 4.dazed-1 (tag) 5.Y2D-2 6.dazed-1 (tag)
| Level 2 Offense | Level 2 Defense | 1.snap suplex-2 2.into ropes (c) 3.waistlock slam-2 (ch B) 4.springborad splash-3 5.hurrakinrana-3 6.ddt-3
| 1.dazed-1 2.Y2D-1 3.hurt-2 4.hurt-2 5.Y2D-2 6.hurt-2
| Level 3 Offense | Level 3 Defense | 1.daethjump (c) 2.out of ring 3.missile dropkick-3 4.brainkick-3 5.lionsault-3 6.Y2 DAVE-LOCK +3
| 1.hurt-2 2.PIN 6 (3) 3.hurt-2 4.down-3 (tag) 5.down-3 (lv) 6.hurt-2
| Ropes -- A Turnbuckle -- C Ring -- B Deathjump -- A
| Disqualification -- 6 Agility -- - 3 Power -- - 1 Cage -- 3 |
Genocide | From:Cincinatti | Level 1 Offense | Level 1 Defense | 1.top wristlock-1 2.armbar-1 3.frontfacelock-1 4.double underhook ddt-2 (ag) 5.backbreaker-2 (pw) 6.forarm smash-2
| 1.dazed-1 (tag) 2.dazed-1 (tag) 3.G-1 4.hurt-2 5.G-1 6.G-2
| Level 2 Offense | Level 2 Defense | 1.waistlock slam-2 2.hiptoss-2 (ch A) 3.into turnbuckle (c) 4.faceslam-3 5.flapjack-3 6.flatliner-3
| 1.hurt-2 2.G-1 3.hurt-2 4.hurt-2 (tag) 5.G-2 6.dazed-1
| Level 3 Offense | Level 3 Defense | 1.brainbuster-2 (ch F) 2.out of ring 3.full nelson facslam-3 4.full nelson slam-3 5.powerslam-3 6.FULL BODY PAIN HOLD +3
| 1.PIN 6 (3) 2.hurt-2 3.down-3 (tag) 4.hurt-2 5.down-3 (lv) 6.hurt-2
| Ropes -- C Turnbuckle -- A Ring -- B Deathjump -- A
| Disqualification -- 7 Agility -- - 1 Power -- - 3 Cage -- 3 |
Dave the Dude | 7 ' 6 "From:England | Level 1 Offense | Level 1 Defense | 1.wristlock-1 2.headlock-1 3.giant shove down-2 4.swinging neckbreaker-2 (ag) 5.forearm smash-2 (pw) 6.giant bear hug-3
| 1.DTD-1 2.dazed-1 (tag) 3.DTD-1 4.hurt-2 5.DTD-1 6.DTD-1
| Level 2 Offense | Level 2 Defense | 1.giant face shove-2 2.hard kneedrop-2 (ch A) 3.into turnbuckle (c) 4.one hand slam-3 5.giant legdrop-3 6.bigfoot kick-3
| 1.dazed-1 2.hurt-2 (tag) 3.DTD-2 4.hurt-2 5.DTD-1 6.hurt-2
| Level 3 Offense | Level 3 Defense | 1.corner crush-3 (ch G) 2.out of ring 3.spinebuster-3 4.sideslam-3 5.chokeslam-3 6.GORILLA DEATHSLAM +3
| 1.down-3 (tag) 2.hurt-2 3.PIN 7 (4) 4.hurt-2 5.hurt-2 6.down-3 (lv)
| Ropes -- C Turnbuckle -- A Ring -- B Deathjump -- C
| Disqualification -- 6 Agility -- - 0 Power -- - 4 Cage -- 4 |
Maniac Mike | From:Canada | Level 1 Offense | Level 1 Defense | 1.test of strength-1 2.hammerlock-1 3.reverse chancery-1 4.bodyslam-2 (pw) 5.spinning leglock-2 (ag) 6.running lariat-2
| 1.MM-1 2.hurt-2 3.dazed-1 (tag) 4.dazed-1 (tag) 5.MM-2 6.MM-1
| Level 2 Offense | Level 2 Defense | 1.snapmare-2 2.drop toehold-2 (ch A) 3.into turnbuckle (c) 4.sunset flip-3 5.missile dropkick-3 6.hard right hand-3
| 1.hurt-2 2.dazed-1 3.MM-1 4.hurt-2 5.MM-2 6.hurt-2
| Level 3 Offense | Level 3 Defense | 1.deathjump (c) 2.out of ring 3.hard elbow shot-3 4.hard forearm shot-3 5.bulldog headlock-3 6.FLYING ELBOW +3
| 1.hurt-2 2.hurt-2 3.PIN 6 (3) 4.down-3 (tag) 5.hurt-2 6.down-3 (lv)
| Ropes -- C Turnbuckle -- A Ring -- A Deathjump -- B
| Disqualification -- 7 Agility -- - 0 Power -- - 2 Cage -- 3 |
Blade | From:NYC | Level 1 Offense | Level 1 Defense | 1.headlock-1 2.hip throw-1 3.eye gouge-1 4.neckbreaker-2 (ag) 5.atomic drop-2 (pw) 6.double chop-3
| 1.hurt-2 2.B-2 3.B-1 4.B-1 5.dazed-1 (tag) 6.hurt-2
| Level 2 Offense | Level 2 Defense | 1.veal toss-2 2.running lariat-2 (ch A) 3.legtrip-2 (ch B) 4.cutter-3 5.knife edge chop-3 6.axe chop-3
| 1.hurt-2 2.B-2 3.dazed-1 4.hurt-2 5.B-1 6.hurt-2
| Level 3 Offense | Level 3 Defense | 1.deathjump (c) 2.out of ring 3.jack knife powerbomb-3 4.guillotine legdrop-3 5. flying clothesline-3 6.BLADE'S EDGE +3
| 1.hurt-2 2.down-3 (lv) 3.hurt-2 4.down-3 (tag) 5.PIN 7 (4) 6.hurt-2
| Ropes -- C Turnbuckle -- C Ring -- B Deathjump -- A
| Disqualification -- 6 Agility -- - 2 Power -- 0 Cage -- 4 |
Mr Extreme | From:Philladelphia | Level 1 Offense | Level 1 Defense | 1.eye gouge-1 2.back rake-1 3.mouth rip-1 4.legdrop-2 (ag) 5.hard slam-2 (pw) 6.kneelift-2
| 1.MX-1 2.dazed-1 (tag) 3.hurt-2 4.MX-2 5.dazed-1 (tag) 6.MX-1
| Level 2 Offense | Level 2 Defense | 1.knedrop-2 2.viscius faceslam-2 (ch A) 3.knee crusher-2 (ch B) 4.flying chairshot-3 5.powerslam onto table-3 6.ddt on announcer's table-3
| 1.hurt-2 2.MX-2 3.hurt-2 (tag) 4.MX-1 5.dazed-1 6.hurt-2
| Level 3 Offense | Level 3 Defense | 1.deathjump (c) 2.out of ring 3.cookie sheet smash-3 4.kendo stick whipping-3 5.trashcan lid bash-3 6.FLYING TRASHCAN SHOT +3
| 1.PIN 7 (4) 2.hurt-2 3.hurt-2 4.down-3 (tag) 5.hurt-2 6.down-3 (lv)
| Ropes -- C Turnbuckle -- C Ring -- A Deathjump -- A
| Disqualification -- 7 Agility -- - 0 Power -- 0 Cage -- 4 |
No Pix sorry...
Post by Dr B on May 26, 2009 1:48:09 GMT -5
This the Officially Approved Fake Jan Super Deluxe Card. Geri Reischl knows of and endorses Bruce B. Bolos aka Dr B.
Post by WTIC on May 26, 2009 15:26:40 GMT -5
Nice cards, all of them!
Thanks for posting those!
Post by Dr B on May 26, 2009 16:38:19 GMT -5
Have fun "test piloting" these guys.I sure am! Hey Kelly it's like old friends come to visit us huh? Dr B